This monorepo is a collection of middleware for AWS lambda functions.
- @lambda-middleware/class-validator: A validation middleware for AWS http lambda functions
based on class-validator.
- @lambda-middleware/compose: A compose function for functional lambda middleware.
- @lambda-middleware/http-error-handler: An error handler middleware for AWS http lambda
- @lambda-middleware/ie-no-open: A middleware for adding the download options no-open header to
AWS lambdas.
- @lambda-middleware/json-serializer: A middleware for AWS http lambda functions to
serialize JSON responses.
- @lambda-middleware/json-deserializer: A middleware for AWS http lambda functions to
deserialize JSON request bodies.
- @lambda-middleware/jwt-auth: A middleware for AWS http lambda functions to verify JWT auth
tokens inspired by express-jwt.
- @lambda-middleware/middy-adaptor: An adaptor to use middy middleware as functional
- @lambda-middleware/no-sniff: A middleware for adding the content type options no-sniff header
to AWS lambdas.
- @lambda-middleware/http-header-normalizer: Middleware for AWS lambdas that
normalizes headers to lower-case.
- @lambda-middleware/do-not-wait: AWS lambda middleware to prevent Lambda from timing out
because of processes running after returning a value.
- @lambda-middleware/cors: AWS lambda middleware for automatically adding CORS headers.
Other packages
Furthermore there is utility collection available at @lambda-middleware/utils.
Each middleware is a higher-order function that can be wrapped around the handler function.
export const handler = someMiddleware()(() => {
return {
body: '',
statusCode: 200
Each middleware is build as
(options) => (handler) => (event, context) => Response
This means that middleware can be composed and piped like any other function with only one parameter (the handler). This library contains a helper for composing, but any other implementation should work as well.
export const handler = compose(
)(() => {
return {
body: '',
statusCode: 200
There’s a known issue with TypeScript that pipe and compose functions cannot
infer types correctly if the innermost function is generic (in this case the last argument to compose
If you use TypeScript in strict mode, you can instead use the composeHandler
function exported from @lambda-middleware/compose
export const handler = composeHandler(
() => {
return {
body: '',
statusCode: 200
Composing middleware is equivalent to calling it nested:
export const handler =
aThirdMiddleware()(() => {
return {
body: '',
statusCode: 200
The order of composition can be relevant. When using a helper to do the composition, check, in which order the functions are applied. Most of the time TypeScript should be able to warn you, if the order is wrong.
Imagine middleware as an onion around your function: The outermost middleware will get called first before the handler starts, and last after the handler finishes or throws an error. In our example above the order in which middleware gets executed therefore would be:
the handler
This means that middleware which transforms the input for the handler will be executed top to bottom, while middleware that transforms the response will be called bottom to top.
Writing your own middleware
If you want to write your own middleware, check the existing examples and feel free to borrow some of the tests for inspiration. The general idea for a middleware is the following:
const myMiddleware = (optionsForMyMiddleware) => (handler) => async (event, context) => {
try {
const modifiedEvent = doSomethingBeforeCallingTheHandler(event)
const response = await handler(modifiedEvent, context)
const modifiedResponse = doSomethingAfterCallingTheHandler(response)
return modifiedResponse
} catch (error) {
const modifiedError = doSomethingInCaseOfAnError(error)
throw modifiedError
Usually the same middleware should not need to do something before the handler, after the handler and on error. Creating separated middlewares for these cases keeps them more versatile. But cases that require multiple steps are supported as well.
Since the middlewares only uses function composition, TypeScript can offer extensive typing support to let you know how the middleware changed. When adding your own middleware it is recommended to use generics to avoid losing type information.
Instead of
const bodyParser = () =>
(handler: PromiseHandler<Omit<APIGatewayProxyEvent, body> & { body: object}, APIGatewayProxyResult>): PromiseHandler<APIGatewayProxyEvent, APIGatewayProxyResult> =>
async (event: E, context: Context) => {
return handler({ ...event, body: JSON.parse(event.body) }, context)
const bodyParser = () =>
<E extends APIGatewayProxyEvent>(handler: PromiseHandler<Omit<E, body> & { body: object}, APIGatewayProxyResult>): PromiseHandler<E, APIGatewayProxyResult> =>
async (event: E, context: Context) => {
return handler({ ...event, body: JSON.parse(event.body) }, context)
so that if multiple middlewares change the event, the resulting type will have all changes and not just the latest.
If you want to contribute to the project, please read our contributing guidelines first.